Thursday, November 17, 2011

City Administrator

With the confusion and lack of a plan, I am very excited that the city council will discuss hiring an administrator but how do we pay for the position? The amended budget has inflated revenue to offset the expenditures and is guaranteed to be in the RED by June/July so that issue needs to addressed. This hire is critical to the proper management of the city as the duties that have been delegated to the city secretary are beyond her capabilities. Perhaps this council can correct this horrible decision by hiring a competent person that can manage city hall.The budget fiasco is prima facie evidence that the Mayor has a lack of leadership as he allowed council member  Pena to put forward a budget which has no chance of succeeding. Pena is out of control and as long as the Mayor and other council members allow unfettered authority, the situation will only get worse. The Mayor has stated that his administration would be inclusive. I have one question for the Mayor. When do you plan to have an administration because Mr. Pena has stolen your authority? Did you take the appointment knowing that you would only be mimicking what Pena tells you or do you have any leadership abilities? I am waiting for signs of a leader but, alas, I am anxiously awaiting for a sign that one exists.  It is obvious that this city is mired in a sea of moronic decision makers so I hope that they can get this decision right. Let's hope.

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